"Reislândia - o Mundo de Eduardo Reis"
It is a photographic project based on documenting and telling the story of Commander Eduardo Reis, an iconic figure from Trofa, and his Reislândia. After the death of his son in 1997, Eduardo Reis, a former immigrant in Venezuela, lost his faith, religion and the meaning of life…
He returned to his home in Cidade da Trofa and to occupy himself and deceive the pain of his loss, creation of Reislândia that was created in the garden of his Villa Soledad house, to honor his son and where he criticizes religion,society ,  and writes philosophical thoughts and phrases on tombstones and where he keeps his memories alive…
      Photographer: Jorge Camilo
Eduardo Reis , soziae  e estatuta... ( Eduardo Reis , sozia and his statue)
Comendador Eduardo Reis
Lapide dedicatória ao Carlitos ( tombstone dedicatory to Carlitos)
Comendador Eduardo Reis
Eduardo Reis no seu mundo...(Eduardo Reis in ypur World...)
Memorial ao Carlitos (Carlitos Memorial)
Eduardo Reis
Recordações da vida de Eduardo Reis  ( Eduardo Reis photo life memories)

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